The INTERNET-OF-THINGS (IoT) TRACK aims to produce graduates who have good background in creating IoT devices on the Arduino and Raspberry Pi platforms connected to Microsoft Azure IoT cloud services. Each module is 54 hours.
Programmable Embedded Systems
This module gives students an introduction to developing applications for embedded systems using the Arduino microcontroller board and different environmental sensors. Students will apply their basic knowledge and skills in electronics and programming, using C as the programming language. At the end of this module, students shall develop a simple project utilizing the Arduino microcontroller.
IoT Programming
This module teaches students to interact with the environment and perform more processing in more ways than a microcontroller board can. The Raspberry Pi, a small board computer, will be used in this module.
IoT Communications
This module is divided into two parts. The first part teaches various data communication protocols and IoT network architectures used in IoT projects. The second part teaches the Microsoft Azure IoT services via hands-on exercises.
IoT Project
This module combines everything learned from the previous three modules. In this module, students will create an IoT project which processes data at the edge, connects to Microsoft Azure IoT cloud service and does further processing, and a mobile app to access processed information.
- MS Teams
- Arduino using Scratch language, C and Google Blockly
- Raspberry Pi, C and Python