APC, University of Adelaide Ink MOU

Asia Pacific College (APC) President Dr. Teresita Medado and University of Adelaide (UoA) Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice President (External Engagement) Dr. Jessica Gallagher signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) last October 24, 2023. Photo by Jervis Gonzales

Asia Pacific College (APC) and the University of Adelaide (UoA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding last October 24, 2023. The partnership between the two educational institutions aims to deliver digital transformation professional programs, enabling Philippine government agencies and bureaus to improve public service delivery through digital transformation.

The program, which is funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), provides opportunities to different sectors in the Philippines such as cooperative training and learning.

Australian Ambassador to the Philippines Hae Kyong Yu expresses her excitement about the partnership between Asia Pacific College and University of Adelaide during the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony last October 24, 2023. During her speech, she highlighted how the partnership can push forward digital transformation in the Philippines. Photo by Jervis Gonzales

University of Adelaide (UoA) Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice President (External Engagement) Dr. Jessica Gallagher delivers a speech during the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing at Asia Pacific College last October 24, 2023. The partnership between APC and UoA aims to pave the way to improving public service delivery among partner Philippine government agencies and bureaus. Photo by Jervis Gonzales

As part of its mandate to foster cooperation and collaboration between Australia and its partner countries across the globe, DFAT has extended its support to areas such as lifelong learning, knowledge and skills transfer, capacity building, and social and economic development.

Civil Service Comission Chair Karlo Nograles congratulated Asia Pacific College and University of Adelaide for its partnership last October 24, 2023. The partnership aims to train various government agencies and bureaus through digital transformation programs in order to improve public service delivery. Photo by Jervis Gonzales

Australian Ambassador to the Philippines Hae Kyong Yu, Civil Service Commission Chair Karlo Nograles, and University of Adelaide Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice President (External Engagement) Dr. Jessica Gallagher joined the event, along with National University Chairman Dr. Hans Sy, National University President Dr. Renato Carlos Ermita, and Asia Pacific College Chairman Dr. Paulino Tan.

Administrators and executives from Asia Pacific College, National University, and University of Adelaide pose for a photograph during the Memorandum of Understanding signing last October 24, 2023. Photo by Jervis Gonzales

From left to right: National University Chairman Dr. Hans Sy, Asia Pacific College Chairman Dr. Paulino Tan; Asia Pacific College President Dr. Teresita Medado, Civil Service Comission Chair Karlo Nograles, and National University President Dr. Renato Carlos Ermita pose for a photograph during the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing between Asia Pacific College (APC) and University of Adelaide (UoA) last October 24, 2023. During a fireside chat, the executives discussed the possibility of Asia Pacific College and all National University campuses to host the Civil Service Examination. Photo by Jervis Gonzales



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