Frosh Night 2021: That’s so Frosh!
by Demeter Renee P. Caubang
“That’s so Frosh!”– a warm, virtual welcome to the APC freshmen of A.Y. 2021-2022, hosted by APC SOAR’s Vice President, Joshua Emmanuel Lipit, and Executive Public Relations Officer, Alexia Ongpauco last October 16.
‘Frosh Night’ has always been a school tradition to help our newest Rams feel at home in the APC community. But since we’re all still staying at home, what better way to spice up a virtual meet than throwing back to the 2000s, Y2K-style?
Senior High School and college students got the chance to be acquainted with one another and hang out in the world of a barbie girl flip phone, as the party’s theme adopted the bright, tech-optimistic year 2000s aesthetic. The night was filled with tons of laughter as creative games ignited the friendly, competitive spirit of the froshies. Truly, everyone had the giggles and on-cam jitters throughout the evening!

The event kicked off with a segment called ‘Check – In’ wherein froshies described their mood with popular 2000s songs. The crowd gave tunes with the likes of Taylor Swift, Fall out Boy, Avril Lavigne, and Green Day. These billboard charting artists indeed set the tone for the 2000s and helped everyone get into the right ‘tone’. What a way to start the party!
The event was also blessed with the presence of Dr. Teresita Medado as she hopped into the party with the froshies and stayed to join in the first game of the night. She welcomed the newest Rams with an essential piece of advice– “to count their blessings this Frosh Night.” Indeed, this milestone of having a bigger APC family is something worth celebrating.
The night comprised of four games – mainly ‘Guess the Song’, ‘Guess the Phrase’, ‘Detective Froshie’, and ‘Zoom-In’. Froshies actively participated by turning on their mic and saying the keyword of the night: ‘uwu’. The winners’ names flashed on the leaderboard and were immortalized in each of the after-game winners’ photo op.
The list of game winners was posted on the APC SOAR Facebook page last October 17.
Guess the Song
The night went on with the first game. ‘Guess the Song’ had the DJ spinning the virtual pink turntable as froshies guessed Y2K songs, each played for 5 seconds. To take a guess, participants had to say ‘uwu’, state their name, then guess the name of the song, otherwise their answer would not be counted. The playlist comprised of popular, nostalgic tunes from our elementary and high school days, varying of eccentric genres. From the local hits of ‘Classmate’ by Hambog ng Sagpro Krew and ‘Stupid Love’ by Salbakuta, to the billboard charters of ‘Complicated’ by Avril Lavigne and ‘Work It’ by Missy Elliot, to the classic oldies but goodies of ‘Girls Just Want to Have Fun’ by Cyndi Lauper and ‘Dancing Queen’ by ABBA. These songs had our froshies competitively clamoring out lots of ‘uwu’s to get their answers in!
Before proceeding to the second game, the froshies got to watch the lively rendition of the APC band’s “The Feels” by Twice. This performance was later posted on the APC Band Facebook page on October 29 as “a token of gratitude for everyone who joined in and participated in our [the APC Band] activities” to close off APC Org Fair 2021.
Guess the Phrase
Movie buffs and ‘it’ girls got a one up on this! ‘Guess the Phrase’ had froshies guessing iconic lines from various tv shows, movies, and TV series. Again, participants had to say ‘uwu’, their name, then guess the movie or series the phrase was from, or else their answer would not be counted. The watchlist chose from a wide selection of genres – action such by Avengers End Game and Furious 7, chick flicks such as Legally Blonde and Charlie’s Angels, and Korean such as True Beauty and Waikiki. It was a nice touch to include the video clip from where the phrase was from. That way if the quote seems like the work of the Mandala effect, there would be proof that the quote does exist. These movies are definitely worth rewatching after the stressful finals’ week!
Detective Froshie
Everyone got to show off their 2000s throwback best, as they were encouraged to turn on their cameras for this game. ‘Detective Froshie’ had the students answer Kahoot! questions about the publication material APC SOAR posted to promote Frosh Night 2021. Those who follow the organization’s Facebook page and paid extra attention to the design details in the posters (like how many diamond gems, emojis, or main theme colors) got the advantage of answering quickly and accurately. Their determination and friendly competitiveness can be seen on their glammed-up faces. It is fun to see over 30 students play for the top spot on the virtual Kahoot! pedestal.
The lenses on this game became even finer, as in contrast of the player looking for specific details, they now had to understand the bigger picture. ‘Zoom-In’ had froshies guessing the item in the picture, which was zoomed in at a specific, almost unrecognizable portion. The easy round contained five glam and girly items. Then, the second round had not so distinguishable fashion and stationary items. Finally, the third round was a doozy for everyone. Even the hosts did not recognize what was in the picture. These images were of characters from 2000s movies, (who would’ve guessed!) The ‘uwu’s in this game were more doubtful and all the participants were commended for trying their best.
After all the games have been played, the froshies were treated to a thrilling intermission number of “Celebrate More” by 116 ft. Lucrae, Andy Mineo, and Hulvey, a dance performance by APC Dance Company. This performance was done in celebration of the “30 RAMazing years in service full of achievements, dedication, and passion” as posted on the APC Dance company Facebook page last April 16.
The program followed up with announcing the winners to the Best Y2K Outfit challenge, which was part of the Frosh Night 2021 activities. The students’ entries were sent last October 13 and were judged based on the number of reactions online, titled as “The People’s Choice”. Two winners were awarded that night, then the event photo op was conducted afterwards.
Carlisle Chyll B. Taylo, the Executive President of APC SOAR, then gave the closing remarks of the program expressing the effort the organization put into making Frosh Night 2021 memorable and welcoming again the froshies, thanking them for attending the event. The participants were encouraged to stay for the raffle and ending segment of the night.
If the froshies checked into the party, they were encouraged to give feedback before leaving with the ‘Check-Out’ segment. Students were asked what movie embodied their mood, and they had a vast variety. Mama Mia, Taxi Driver, Sausage Party, Mean Girls, Clueless, Huger Games, Legally Blonde, Avengers: End Game were of the few mentioned, indicating that the party hype and ambience left an impact on the students. Now that’s making the most out of online engagement and virtual events!
What an ‘uwu’ filled night! May the newest Rams and fresh members of the APC community enjoy more events from all the APC organizations and make their stay in the school worthwhile, regardless of if it is online or face-to-face