BS Civil Engineering

The Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BS CE) program composes of three full years of intense civil engineering coursework in accordance with the minimum requirements of the Commission of Higher Education (CHED).

The first year is designed to encompass the engineering foundation courses as well as the general tertiary education, which includes physical education subjects and national service programs. The second year is designed to focus on the civil engineering topics which are essential to the foundations and major of Civil Engineering and reflected in the licensure examination. The third year is designed to focus specialization topics and courses that can be applied through the student’s thesis topics at the end of this year. The fourth year is designed to prepare students in their review for the Civil Engineering licensure board examination and two trimesters of internship with a duration of six months to prepare graduating students for employment in the civil engineering industry.

APC offers five Civil Engineering specializations which the students can choose from after familiarizing themselves with their majors and before entering their third year. The specializations offered are the following:

  1. Construction Management Engineering (BSCE-CME)
  2. Geotechnical Engineering (BSCE-GTE)
  3. Structural Engineering (BSCE-STE)
  4. Transportation Engineering (BSCE-TPE)
  5. Water Resources Engineering (BSCE-WRE)
Program Duration:
4 years