Walking on a trip down MemoRAM Lane at DekadaRAMkada Alumni Homecoming!
By Donna Loyola & Agatha Magsombol

In Photos: Senior Highschool Pioneer Batch to Batch 2019 gather around in a night of beautiful chaos to celebrate 10 years of bliss and wonderful moments. Photos by Joshua Lipit
The Humabon parking lot on May 27, 2022 was an iconic night — not just for us students, but also for the staff and professors from the Senior High School department. After two years of being physically stuck in a pandemic Rams finally get to see each other again for a night filled with joy, laughter, music, and moments to reminisce – or should we say “RAMinisce” on all the beautiful times. We got to see our classmates again after so long, even alumni across APC history gathered to reunite once again and celebrate an entire decade of being a certified ram.
We can’t believe that this is the first Alumni Homecoming for the APC Senior High School Department and Faculty in its 10th year of service. Everything was really planned and settled. From the posters displayed, games played, and programs hosted, all throughout the iconic night every Alumni was waiting for. Before being in the event itself there were pre-registration days which were needed to enter the venue on the big night.
We had to pass through the registration booth first and confirm our attendance based on the email sent days before, then we were given a small cute pillow with the SHS RAMkada design, cool lightstick bracelets, and the entry bracelet to acknowledge that we were confirmed attendees. After that, we gathered to start the parade and went according to our batches starting from the Pioneer Batch to Batch 2019.

The parade felt like a unity between students gathered around to promote the success of their school. We made noise and shouted cheers in the quiet night of Magallanes village. Then the program continued with the Doxology performed by APC Chorale followed by Dr. Tata’s welcoming speech about the history of the Senior High School Program as well as the Alumni association’s opening remarks.
There were also numerous performances from APC Band, APCDC and a special performance from Alumni with Sir Kim Malate and Sir Gino Caliwagan’s band jokingly dubbed as “Papaitan” in collaboration with APC Band that made an iconic influence on us because it was witty and exciting. They serenaded and hyped the crowd as the night faded away.
Some games and a raffle were also held in between performances which were happily joined by everyone, some of my classmates and friends I knew even won! Food stalls like tacos, bacsilog, street foods, and coffee were also available at the venue for everyone’s convenience while watching the program.
All of the present instructors and teachers from the SHS faculty were at the event and we even got to catch up and take pictures with some of them. Our favorite part of the event was when the students started to participate, especially during the performance of Sir Kim and Sir Gino to end the night. They ignited the spark in us to get on our feet and sing along for the perfect conclusion to a fun party.

We also cherished the moment to reunite with fellow rams and teachers whom we haven’t seen in person yet. The event was a wonderful time to engage with people and be a representation of healing from the pandemic.
This is truly one for the history books and we’ll certainly look back to it in the future. Alumni along with the APC SHS Faculty really partied hard ‘till they dropped and ended the event at 11PM where everyone went home happily bringing with them the memories made from that night. We realized how much this event means to us especially to those who were deprived of the opportunity of personally spending their last years in APC.
It was truly a walk and a trip down ‘mermoRAM’ lane that gave everyone a chance to feel the nostalgia of having the school as our second home. The silence of the parking lot became a venue that captured exciting moments to cherish forever.