Message from the President: APC Education Amidst Crisis (Updated)

Dear Rams,

We hope you are staying safe and healthy amidst all the disruptions from this pandemic. We are aware that it is not an easy time for all of us, let alone your parents, your friends and relatives.

As we all continue to make necessary adjustments in our day-to-day lives following the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) guidelines, Asia Pacific College (APC) remains steadfast in fulfilling our promise of education to our students and their parents.

We draw our strength and resolve from the humanitarian acts of our partners in industry, inspiring stories of human endurance and dignity in crisis, heroic acts of our first responders, and most of all, the hopes and aspirations of our students, parents, faculty and administrators.

We are adamant in cushioning the tremendous disruption and anxiety that is already overwhelming students, parents and the rest of our community.

For now, we hope that this can be done by relaxing traditional educational protocols and procedures, decreasing stressors in accomplishing schoolwork, and most of all, totally removing the anxiety of going to school and being away from home. We hope you will find our directives and instructions to be suitable to the challenges at hand. These measures may be temporary or may be the beginnings of a new norm in providing education. Who is to tell?

Most of all, these measures are but a reflection of Asia Pacific College’s dedication and enthusiasm to produce the highest standards of performance in our graduates with the core values of Integrity, Innovation, and Industry at heart. This is our paramount promise, commitment and contribution to society, business and industry today and tomorrow.

Our graduates will prevail against all odds, against disruption and all threats to humanity. We are, after all, RAMS:

Agile and Resilient in the face of Adversity!

Tata Pastor Medado, PhD
Asia Pacific College

Guidelines on Home Study, Graduation, Well-Being, Safety & Security, and Alliance with Parents and Guardians

Guidelines on Home Study, Graduation, Well-Being, Safety & Security, and Alliance with Parents and Guardians (Filipino)

Updated T3 AY 2019-2020 Calendar

For PDF versions, click on the downloadable links below:

Collegiate Calendar
Senior High School Calendar



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