Academic Services || Reminders on Accessing Course Packs

Dear Rams,

Starting May 2, 2020, the CoursePacks may be downloaded from each class’ MS Teams site. Additionally, all students have been enrolled in the appropriate courses’ MS Team sites by their teachers. Students who are not yet enrolled in their respective MS Teams sites are advised to keep in touch with their teachers.

In case of access problems, contact the Information Technology Resources Office (ITRO) at

For students who do not have laptops or desktop computers to participate in APC’s Home Study program, printed copies can be requested at  Similarly, for those who do not have a stable connection to the internet, electronic versions may be requested at, which can be stored in a flash drive and delivered. Indicate your student ID numberyour namecoursescomplete home addresscontact number and format that you need the CoursePacks in (printed or electronic). 

All instructional materials provided in the APC CoursePacks are for personal use in connection with students’ enrolled courses only. Lecture notes, presentation materials, reference documents, digital textbooks, articles, reading materials, case studies, video clips, and other information included in the CoursePack are available for free use for academic purposes and did not violate any copyright law. Linkedln Learning materials are used with paid subscription, and use of these materials is subject to the Linkedln User Agreement  (

By using the CoursePacks, you agree to:

  1. Complete all assessment tasks (assignments, case study, project documentation, etc.) on your own, unless group work or collaboration on assessment tasks is allowed;
  2. Submit all course deliverables as scheduled;
  3. Not engage in academic dishonesty (cheating on assessments, forgery or falsification of academic documents, etc.);
  4. Not let anyone else use your APC account to work on/complete course requirements;
  5. Not engage in plagiarism in all your submissions of the course requirements;
  6. Not distribute the CoursePack, whether directly or through third parties, without the consent of your instructor or APC.

Happy studying!

We are Rams, agile and resilient in the face of adversity!



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