SoMA students showcase their prized “Magnum Opus”

Asia Pacific College hones students’ creativity by keeping them engaged with real projects. Students from the School of Multimedia & Arts showcased their innate talents and acquired skills by making art in their respective fields of expertise in fulfillment of their Exhibit and Display Design (EXDESGN) course. It served as their introductory step to the real world.

Double Glass Production

The first art exhibit titled “ISIP DAKILA” by the group “Double Glass Production” was held at the DTI-Design Center of the Philippines in Pasay City from August 11 through 15. There were a variety of artworks like paintings, films, and photographs. One of the artists talked about the experience of holding an exhibit. The hardest part for them was the ingress. The place was a mess at first. That is why it was hard for them to set up properly. There were 17 artists, so they had no problem in filling out the spaces in the venue. The theme
revolved around people’s “Delusion of Grandeur.” Some of the artworks talked about the issue of people as they develop or fuel their egos through social media.

Alas Otso & Kakayanin movement

Alas Otso, a clique of eight lads with an exhibit titled “ALARMA,” followed a theme that tackles the Filipino Time culture through different forms of media. ‘Alarm’ represents the clock and time, while ‘Alarma’ is a Filipino term which means being aware of what’s happening around you. These terms influenced the title of the exhibit. Furthermore, their objective was to convey to the viewers that we should all be mindful of our time. A total of 11 outputs, mainly video installations, showcased daily life situations.

The high-spirited Kakayanin Movement paraded various artworks that revolved around positivity. Originally a duo, they invited other artists to collaborate with them and showcase their idea of optimism through art and installation. They produced 12 artworks from 12 exhibitors, all of which spoke about encouragement and happiness. The team entertained the audiences with a series of talks, discussions, and live performances from amazing artists.

Both exhibits were held at the DTI- Design Center of the Philippines last August 23 through 25, 2018.

Implicata Productions

The second exhibit, “CATENA,” was held between August 23 through 25, 2018 at the Kalye Art Gallery. It was spearheaded by Implicata Productions. Their theme, “Chains,” was about the restrictions that people place on themselves. The venue complimented well with their theme and their artworks. One of the artists showed three films that were in line with the genre of horror.

Patintero Collective, 96% Productions & Pito Pito

“BATCH 199X” was about the nostalgia of growing up in the ‘90s. The art group, Patintero Collective, was composed of four members. Their artworks emphasized the nostalgia of childhood. They even featured a collection of toys and figurines. They had that setup of an old person sitting on a pillow while playing Super Mario Bros. on TV. One of the interesting art pieces that they had was an interactive piece by which audiences could engage themselves in.

Five members formed Pito Pito. Their art exhibit was called, “PABALANG.” The name of the exhibit was originally used to describe children and teenagers who are being disrespectful toward their parents or elders. One of the artists explained that the things that were not allowed back then are now permitted. One of them displayed a short film on how people use social media and how they can become addicted to it.

“DIVIDED” was about the social issue of sexuality that plagued the modern era. They tackled both of its positive and negative aspects. Though the group did not originally choose this as the main theme, it was rather a bold move for them to pick this one out. They were also worried about the audiences’ response, but it worked out for them in the end.

“96% Production” is composed of four members. There was a dance performance during the opening. One of the artists also delivered a speech. The three exhibits were held at the DTI-Design Center of the Philippines from August 30 through September 1, 2018.

Oogamy Creatives

“GINTO SA LIHAM” was held at Kalye Art Gallery from August 31 through September 2, 2018. Oogamy Creatives consisted of three members. One of the artists stated that preparation was the most important part of their production. Their theme, “A Golden Message,” focused on the advice and message of the elderly to the youth. The artist visited the home for the elderly and their grandparents to gain ideas and stories. They ended up with a visual art that represented the messages that they have gathered.

Mamaw productions & Creatives446

Last September 1 through 3, 2018 at ASPACE Greenbelt, two groups with distinct themes were unified by a single event titled “Equinox.” As the event name suggests, these two divisions represented both morning and night times.

Creatives446 manifests the day. That is why their creations reflected the reality and imperfections of life. Their aim was to encourage everyone to accept their flaws and to love themselves for who they are. Thus, the exhibit was named, “AMOR FATI.” The graphic illustrations, photographs, and video installations evoked heartfelt emotions.

On the other hand, the night was portrayed by Mamaw Productions. Their concept was based on fantasy and supernatural beings. Their exhibit, titled “BUKAD,” denotes being ‘open’ and making use of one’s imagination. This suggests that their works are a product of their well-researched creativity.

Their illustrations mainly focused on environmental phenomena and issues. The group wanted to promote the preservation and conservation of the environment through their creations.


Located at GSIS Museo ng Sining, Lower Gallery and conducted last September 6 through 8, 2018, Persona hosted their exhibit which depicted secrets in the form of the “NEVER HAVE I EVER” game. They wanted to follow a theme that a lot of people could relate to, so they have decided to form artworks that revolved around ‘secrets.’

A total of 19 artworks were displayed. Love, death, embarrassment, façade, virginity, as well as beliefs and fears, were the matters presented through mixed media like sculpture, cinemagraph, photography, painting, installation, and the use of VR. There were live performances and talks from the artists during the event. A lot of viewers were in awe of the artworks in the exhibit.

Escalier Collectives

Held last September 7 through 9, 2018 at the Nova Art Gallery, the Escalier Collectives exhibited their artworks that portrayed confessions from anonymous people. Children’s books were used as references. The Little Prince, The Nut Cracker, The Jungle Book, Alice in Wonderland, Little Red Riding Hood, Where the Wild Things Are, and Thumbelina are the books from which their creations were based on. They got inspired by the works of an artist named Sarah Jimenez who created compositions based on people’s confessions. Their hard work finally paid off. Their exhibit turned out to be successful.

Photos by Kevin Balisalisa and Amber De Velez



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