APC conducts a Career Orientation to prepare Grade 12 Students for the Future

By: Ella Mae Oscillada
Photos by Dana Tarriela & Yanna Bayani

SHS Program Director Kimberly Malate awards Mari D. Jose with a certificate of Recognition

Asia Pacific College (APC) conducted a Career Orientation last October 18, 2019, at the auditorium from 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The talk aimed to equip Grade 12 students with a greater understanding of diverse career opportunities that await them.

Executive Directors of Asia Pacific College with Mari D. Jose

Formerly the President of the Career Development of the Philippines (CDAP), career educator Mari D. Jose was invited as the speaker of the event. She shared her knowledge and research about the fourth industrial revolution and its connection to the jobs and decisions that every student must consider in preparation for their future.

“You need to be a listener, opening both your attitudes and your minds to whatever it is that people around you are saying,” Jose stated. She encouraged the youth to be more proactive in shaping their future. “As students, you also have a role to play in pursuing lifelong learning. Discipline yourselves and adapt to things even when times are very challenging,” she added.

Publications Head Philip James Erpelo hosts the Grade 12 Career Orientation

Jose also emphasized the importance of understanding one’s self and knowing all options before making any decisions. She said, “You must learn how to analyze, sympathize, execute, and then communicate effectively. That is the process you have to engage in before making any decision.”

To become successful in the corporate world, she explained that one has to be technologically savvy. One must know how to interpret data, create innovative ideas, and learn continuously.

SoMA Executive Director Robert Besana
SoCIT Executive Director Rhea-Luz Valbuena
SoE Executive Director Leonardo Samaniego
SoM Executive Director Manny Magbuhat

A panel discussion ensued after the talk. The Executive Directors of four different colleges within APC answered all student inquiries and gave practical pieces of advice.



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