The RAM Page || #APCQuarantineDiaries

Life is regrettably short and most of the time, we spend it either in such a reckless manner, or confine ourselves to the safety of comfort; and by the time we realize the importance of what we have been longing for, it has already passed by.

This year came quite unexpected, rendering us into our barest form as humans: delicate and vulnerable. The city of Manila, which used to be filled with crowded streets accompanied by never-ending traffic, never-ending pile of work, and repetitive routines have been temporarily halted because of the pandemic and enhanced community quarantine.

Despite what is going on, we had a chance to reconnect with our family and take a second glance at what we have been taking for granted and appreciate the spare time that you now have, and pay attention to what matters the most – family.   

Whatever happens tomorrow, we had today to live for. We were given the chance to properly look at our family and forever record these fleeting moments of happiness to memory: to see how laughter could be ignited at the most mundane things. how they look when they are lost in thought, when they bite their lip out of accident; the way they steal glances while working, when they are alone and are up until dawn, and the way they look at someone they love with genuine adoration and understanding as you watch from the sides.

Perhaps, this should be the time when we should hold our loved ones closer.

How about you? How has the ECQ changed your life? What are some of your realizations during the quarantine period? As a RAM, what do you think you can do to help #FlattenTheCurve?

Send your entries at or send a message to RAM Page’s Facebook page and we’ll feature your stories! This is open to the APC Community — staff, faculty, alumni, and students are all welcome to share their stories.






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