Digital Painting Demo Opens New Doors for Aspiring Artists

By: Alexus Norsaid D. Sabanal
Photos by Frances Abengana

Last September 18, 2019, a Digital Painting Demo organized by the APC Animation Society (AnimSoc) and Icon de Jesus was held at the APC Auditorium from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The demo featured two experienced digital artists who shared their experiences and techniques in creating digital artwork.

APC Alumnus Shawn Ryan Fernandez demonstrates the 'photobashing' technique

The first speaker was Shawn Ryan Madla Fernandez. He is an APC alumnus who works for a company that creates artwork for other game companies. He talked about Photobashing. It is a technique that involves the process of merging and blending photographs or 3D assets to create concept art for characters.

Giuzelle Filoteo shares her insights

The second speaker was Giuzel Filoteo. She is a student of Multimedia Arts. She provided a presentation about visual storytelling. She also demonstrated some techniques and tools that she uses in creating Digital Artwork.

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