International Relations Office Activities

International Students Join 2023 Cultural Tour
Foreign Students taking up APC’s Graduate School Program familiarized themselves with Filipino culture and cuisine last July 18, 2023 through APC’s Cultural Tour. The Cultural Tour aims to immerse international students with an in-depth understanding of Filipino art, history and natural wonders as well as giving them a taste of authentic Filipino cuisine. Previous Next The

NU-Asia Pacific Academy Opens Doors to Chinese Graduate School Students
NU-Asia Pacific Academy welcomed its first batch of Chinese Graduate School Students last July 12, 2023 in Asia Pacific College. Asia Pacific College initiated the program to help and realize the dreams of Chinese students to take an international master’s degree program. The program also expands the diversity of learning situations as well as the

English as a Second Language Program
The English as a Second Language (ESL) program at Asia Pacific College is a 40-hour course aimed at enhancing the English proficiency of our international students. Integrated into their existing Masters curriculum, this program is designed to aid students in understanding their lessons more effectively, regardless of whether they are attending in-person or online classes.

Professional Seminar
The Professional Seminar at Asia Pacific College is a key component of our commitment to providing a tech-centric education. Focused on the Proper Use and Introduction to ChatGPT, this seminar equips students with a solid understanding of this leading artificial intelligence language model. Through this seminar, students gain insights into the tool’s functionality, applications, and